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Mithil Maynak
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Best place to learn. I have enrolled for data science course in Develearn and till now I learn python, excel & power bi.. The curriculum is super helpful for any Non-Tech background. I will recommend to join develearn everyone who wants to learn data science even if they don't have Technical knowledge.

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Develearn Technology's computer class is fantastic! The instructors are knowledgeable, the content is comprehensive, and the hands-on projects are engaging. I feel much more confident in my computer skills now. Highly recommend!!

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Shubhankar Rao
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DeveLearn is a very good place to learn Python, Excel, SQL and other digital skills. They help you out on your questions, give you practice and take your tests to improve your skills. Overall it is a great place.

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Ankita Nandanwar
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Develearn techlonogy's computer classes is amazing!. The instructors are knowledgeble. I'm recently studing DATA ANALYTICS I'm happier with the experience. I feel much more confident in my computer skills now. Highly recomended!!

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Sahil Tambe
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Develearn Institution excels in providing a high-quality education and supportive learning environment. It is an excellent choice for students seeking to advance their knowledge and skills in their chosen field.

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Data Science

Data science is the study of data to extract meaningful insights for business. It is a multidisciplinary approach that combines principles and practices from the fields of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer engineering to analyze large amounts of data.

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Introduction to Data Science


Data Collection and Cleaning


Data Exploration and Visualization


Data Manipulation and Analysis


Machine Learning Basics


Supervised Learning Algorithms


Unsupervised Learning Algorithms


Model Selection and Evaluation


Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Time Series Analysis

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Why is DuckDB Getting Popular?

Join us on a journey to explore the meteoric rise of DuckDB, the cutting-edge analytical database system that is taking the data world by storm. In this blog, we delve into the key reasons behind DuckDB's increasing popularity and the game-changing features that have made it a go-to choice for data professionals, researchers, and businesses worldwide. Discover how DuckDB is reshaping data analytics and learn why it's becoming the preferred database system for those in the know. Dive into the world of DuckDB and find out why it's time to hop on this data-driven bandwagon.



Data Science

Artficial Intelligence


3 minutes

October 9, 2023


A new player has arisen in the quickly changing field of data management systems called DuckDB, who is drawing interest from both experts and fans. This ground-breaking database management system (DBMS) is becoming more and more well-liked, and for good reason. We’ll explore the reasons for DuckDB’s rising popularity and how it’s changing how we handle data in this blog article.

sd cards

1. Effectiveness and quickness

The outstanding effectiveness and quickness of DuckDB are some of the main elements behind its popularity. DuckDB has a cutting-edge strategy that optimizes for analytical workloads, unlike traditional databases that frequently struggle with complicated analytical queries and aggregations. It can execute queries far more quickly than many of its competitors because to its vectorized query engine and contemporary hardware optimization methods. Due to this, DuckDB excels in data exploration, ad hoc querying, and interactive analytics, all of which are essential in today’s data-driven decision-making processes.

2.Columnar Storage:

In contrast to more traditional row-based storage, DuckDB uses a columnar storage structure. By minimizing the quantity of data read from the disk during query execution, columnar storage improves query speed. DuckDB excels in analytical workloads where aggregation and filtering operations are common because to this design decision. Additionally, it offers greater compression, which results in lower storage needs and cost savings.

3. Compatibility and simplicity of use

DuckDB’s dedication to usability and compatibility is another factor in its rising fame. Users may easily switch from other DBMS systems to DuckDB since it is SQL-compatible. Its compatibility for a number of computer languages, including as Python and R, further adds to its accessibility. It is simpler for newbies to get started and for seasoned users to go deeper into its possibilities because to the community-driven initiative to provide comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and resources.

4. In-Memory Capabilities:

For businesses that need real-time or almost real-time analytics, DuckDB’s capacity for in-memory data processing is a game-changer. Because queries may be answered instantly because to in-memory processing, it is appropriate for interactive data analysis. This is particularly useful in fields like business intelligence where quick data exploration and analysis is essential for making decisions quickly.

5. Open Source Community:

The popularity of DuckDB has been greatly influenced by its open-source status. An expanding group of volunteers regularly maintains the project’s GitHub source, assuring consistent updates, bug fixes, and feature additions. Users may customize the database to meet their own needs because to the collaborative nature of open source development.

6. Resource effectiveness:

Being resource-efficient by design, DuckDB is a fantastic fit for contexts with limited resources, such as edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It can run without a hitch on systems with constrained processing capabilities because to its minimal memory footprint and low disk I/O needs.

7. Variability:

Although DuckDB thrives in analytical workloads, it has additional adaptability. It is a single-source solution for varied data management requirements since it can manage transactional workloads as well. Because of its adaptability, the entire data architecture is simplified by removing the need to maintain distinct databases for various use cases.


As a result of DuckDB’s remarkable effectiveness, speed, compatibility, usability, and open-source community engagement, it is becoming increasingly popular. It differs from conventional database systems because to its distinctive data management strategy, which includes columnar storage, in-memory capabilities, and resource efficiency. With more businesses realizing the importance of data-driven insights, DuckDB’s features make it a viable tool for releasing the data’s full potential. DuckDB stands out as a game-changer that has the ability to transform how we interact with and create value from data as the field of data management continues to advance. Whether you work in data management or are a researcher, corporate leader, or data professional, DuckDB’s features and benefits make it a tempting choice to explore.