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Best place to learn. I have enrolled for data science course in Develearn and till now I learn python, excel & power bi.. The curriculum is super helpful for any Non-Tech background. I will recommend to join develearn everyone who wants to learn data science even if they don't have Technical knowledge.

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Develearn Technology's computer class is fantastic! The instructors are knowledgeable, the content is comprehensive, and the hands-on projects are engaging. I feel much more confident in my computer skills now. Highly recommend!!

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DeveLearn is a very good place to learn Python, Excel, SQL and other digital skills. They help you out on your questions, give you practice and take your tests to improve your skills. Overall it is a great place.

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Develearn techlonogy's computer classes is amazing!. The instructors are knowledgeble. I'm recently studing DATA ANALYTICS I'm happier with the experience. I feel much more confident in my computer skills now. Highly recomended!!

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Develearn Institution excels in providing a high-quality education and supportive learning environment. It is an excellent choice for students seeking to advance their knowledge and skills in their chosen field.

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Data Science

Data science is the study of data to extract meaningful insights for business. It is a multidisciplinary approach that combines principles and practices from the fields of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer engineering to analyze large amounts of data.

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Introduction to Data Science


Data Collection and Cleaning


Data Exploration and Visualization


Data Manipulation and Analysis


Machine Learning Basics


Supervised Learning Algorithms


Unsupervised Learning Algorithms


Model Selection and Evaluation


Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Time Series Analysis

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Python vs R in Machine Learning: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis

Dive into a detailed comparison of Python and R in the world of machine learning. Explore the strengths, weaknesses, and practical use cases of both languages as they go head-to-head in the realm of data science and analytics.

Artificial intelligence

Data science

Machine learning

Develearn Technologies

4 minutes

June 5, 2021

As a result of machine learning, which enables computers to learn from data and make wise judgments, several sectors have seen radical change. Python and R are two well-known computer languages that are often thought of when it comes to implementing machine learning algorithms. Both languages include strong machine learning frameworks and libraries. The machine learning capabilities of Python and R will be compared in this essay, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

An annoyed cat

Python’s machine learning library

  1. Comprehensive Libraries: Machine learning libraries like scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras are available in Python. For applications including classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction, these libraries provide a broad variety of techniques and tools.

  2. 2. Python’s adaptability and Simplicity: Python is a great option for novices due to its simplicity and adaptability. Finding materials and getting started fast is made simple by its simple syntax and strong community assistance.

  3. 3. Support for Deep Learning: Python offers a wealth of deep learning framework support. Popular deep learning libraries TensorFlow and Keras are written mostly in Python. Researchers and professionals may easily take use of deep learning thanks to this integration.

  4. 4. Data Manipulation and Visualization: Python has strong libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib that make it easy to manipulate and visualize data. These tools make it easier to do exploratory data analysis and data preparation, two crucial processes in the machine learning workflow.

Machine learning using R:

  1. Statistical Modeling and Analysis: R is well known for its powers in statistical modeling and analysis. It provides a wide range of packages, including those that focus on statistical methods and modeling algorithms like caret, randomForest, and glmnet.

  2. 2. specific Data Analysis: R excels in performing specific data analysis tasks, especially in the social sciences and econometrics. Its packages and features are tailored to the particular requirements of statisticians and researchers in these fields.

  3. 3. Data Visualization: R is well known for its data visualization skills. Packages like ggplot2 make it simple for users to produce plots of publication-quality, making it a popular option for displaying data and findings.

  4. 4. Research-Oriented Work: Because of its strong emphasis on statistics and vast library of statistical models, R is often preferred by academics and researchers. It offers a favorable atmosphere for carrying out experiments and evaluating data in academic contexts.

Performance and neighborhood support

  1. Algorithm Performance: Python and R frequently perform similarly to one another when it comes to machine learning techniques. Both languages provide effective implementations of well-known techniques including neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, and random forests.

  2. 2. User Support: Due to Python’s flexibility as a general-purpose language, it has a bigger and more vibrant user community than R. As a consequence, there are a huge number of courses, documents, and online resources accessible for Python machine learning. But there is also a vibrant community for R, notably in the areas of statistics and data analysis.

An annoyed cat

Integration with Other Frameworks and Tools:

Python has an advantage in terms of integration with other tools and frameworks because of its versatility. It can be readily linked with distributed computing systems like Hadoop and large data processing frameworks like Apache Spark. Python is a popular option in industrial settings with complicated data pipelines due to its compatibility with various languages and systems.

R’s Domain-Specific emphasis: R’s strength is its domain-specific emphasis on statistical modeling and analysis, while Python excels in integrating with numerous tools and frameworks. It works well with R-based applications like RStudio and software packages like Shiny, which are extensively used in academic and scientific circles.


The decision between Python and R relies on particular needs and preferences. Both languages have powerful machine learning capabilities. Deep learning, general-purpose data processing, and tool integration are all areas where Python shines. R, on the other hand, is ideal for research-focused work, specialist data analysis, and statistical modeling. When choosing between Python and R for machine learning, it’s important to take into account aspects like personal taste, community support, and integration requirements. In the end, both languages provide strong resources and facilities to efficiently handle a variety of machine learning problems.